
How To Clean Windows With Extension Pole

how to clean windows

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During night, winter days when the curtains are drawn, having sparkling clean windows doesn't seem like a priority. Simply one time the sun comes shining through, lovely as it is, it gets harder to ignore the dust, streaks and fingermarks that have build upward!

This household chore doesn't need to take upwardly hours of your time. Here'south how to clean your windows and get them sparkling over again.

Choose your time

Like with a car, you should avoid cleaning your windows on hot, sunny days. The heat will brand the glass dry out too quickly and cause smears undoing all your hard work.

To do a proper chore, have down curtains and blinds and articulate windowsills of any clutter. Use a dustpan and brush or your vacuum's upholstery tool to remove any loose debris before washing to avert spreading dirt around.

how to clean windows

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Tackle mildew on frames

You'll want to pop on an old pair of washing-up gloves before you tackle any window frames. Then, clean off mildew with an old lint-gratis textile.

Dip the cloth in a branded mould remover to give your window frames a thorough clean or a weak solution of household bleach. The GHI experts recommend the HG Mould Spray.

Requite drinking glass a going over

Employ a branded window cleaner or create your own with a solution of i part distilled white vinegar to nine parts water into an erstwhile spray bottle. Employ a lint-gratis textile to wipe them downward and then a chamois leather to vitrify them to a bright shine.

GHI Tip: Vinegar is an age-erstwhile wonder and has the added benefit of beingness non-toxic and antibacterial, so a very handy product to have in your closet — and not but for your chips!

You could likewise try calculation dishwasher rinse aid to water when yous wash your windows, for ensuring a streak-free finish.

The GHI too highly rates the e-cloth Window Pack, which is a microfibre cloth. But add together h2o, no chemicals required.

If y'all have large areas of glass to make clean, such every bit a conservatory or patio doors, information technology's worth considering a window vacuum, to save you lot the free energy. Once you've cleaned your windows, they vacuum upwards the remaining water in 1 sweep, making them far less messy than a squeegee which will result in water dripping onto your floors!

Show sills some love

Dust the internal sills regularly, taking time to go into any nooks or crannies that may need actress attending.

Check external sills regularly for rot, and replace whatsoever crumbling putty with the right type for either timber or metal. Repaint every bit necessary.

how to clean windows

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Don't neglect window screens

If y'all have metal window screens, write a number on each window in erasable pencil. Write a respective number on the screen before removing it from the window so you know which screen goes back where.

Remove the screens and dust the mesh and frame with the soft brush attachment of a vacuum cleaner. Scrub both sides of the screen with a stiff brush dipped in detergent solution (if y'all are doing this in the bath, line information technology with towels to prevent scratching the finish). Rinse using a shower attachment or the fine spray nozzle of a hosepipe. Exit to dry out thoroughly in a sunny spot before refitting to the window.

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